
Choose the number of hours you need, purchase your card, and I’ll get to work!

I use a really simple approach to pricing so that it’s easy and painless for everyone. I get paid up front through a virtual debit card.

Packages are available in 5, 10, or 20 hour blocks of my time.  I keep track of my time spent working through online software and deduct the time from your account. (I send out an email periodically to let you know how much time you have left on your card.)

My debit cards are good for one year, and you can choose how you want to use the time: all at once or spread out over several months, on several small tasks or one big project, or on a recurring basis or a one-time job.


5 Hours of Services


10 Hours of Services


20 Hours of Services

No minimums or contracts

I don't require a contract or a minimum purchase. If you run out of hours, simply purchase another debit card at your convenience.

No pressure

You choose how to use the time purchased. You let me know what you need and when you need it.

no rush

Each debit card is valid for 12 months after purchase.